NWCSC has initiated and entered into a cooperative
habitat and conservation effort with the Connecticut
DEP to help with management of state owned lands, particularly
our Wildlife Management Areas. Our volunteer efforts in this
area have been cited by DEP in several editions of Connecticut
Wildlife magazine. We currently have two council members holding
seats on the DEP, Citizen's Advisory Council.
NWCSC members have been training with the University of Connecticut,
Cooperative Extension System's "Coverts
Project" and we have sent volunteers to the Yale Forestry
Camp. The purpose of this project is to train volunteers to
provide local community leadership in promoting long-term stewardship
of forest and wildlife resources.
NWCSC maintains close ties with other statewide sportsman's
organizations, such as the Coalition
of Connecticut Sportsmen and the Connecticut Sportsman's
Alliance. By joining together our ability to determine the
future of our cultural sporting heritage is greatly enhanced.
NWCSC is also striving to reach beyond the traditional fellowship
of our inter-related sporting heritage to engage and interact
with other groups, such as agriculture, community, recreational
and conservation interests. NWCSC members believe that the
task of preserving our Cultural Heritage, is compatible with;
and could be beneficial to, the interests of other diverse
organizations. We are active on many local Land Trusts and
we are supporting members of the Connecticut Working
Lands Alliance, a statewide organization dedicated to preserving
more of our state's working, agricultural lands. |